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Kids in Preschool

The Magic of Play

Note - saving this info for use in blog, parent info etc as feel like its repeating the home page etc and not needed as a page.

So what is the magic of play?


First up, let's look at the architecture of the brain!



A child's brain is built from the bottom up, a bit like a house.















Whilst as adults, we can often talk through our emotions with a conscious awareness, our children have not yet reached this developmental stage. Lets not forget that these are brand new humans, whose brains are still making sense of the world. 

This means that muddled emotions and big feelings are completely normal and explains why children often struggle to understand or express their emotions. We need to meet our children where they are developmentally to help them learn.




Next let's look at Play as the language of children


We only need to see what a child naturally turns to when they have free choice - in one way or another, they play! Let's follow their lead.

 Play is a child's language, and the way that they communicate, understand their experiences and learn about themselves. Musical, creative and sensory activities build a bridge between the right and left areas of the brain. Because the brain is still growing, play helps build new connections and synapses. It is a safe place to try out new things, compromise, practise new skills, and problem solve within the world of play.






1. First is the area of the brain responsible for survival and sensory input...

2. The attachment, emotions and feelings part of the brain is next up...

3. Finally, the thinking area of the brain develops

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We can help build a child's brain from birth through consistent positive interactions

Boy Playing Outside

Self Esteem

Child - led play puts the child in the driving seat in a world where they rarely get to call the shots. Meeting the developmental needs of choice and autonomy can also decrease 


In the big wide world, it can be tricky for children to navigate success and failure. This can lead to avoidance of certain activities, or needing to win games. Play allows children a safe space to try new things, experience success and build up neural pathways towards resilience.

Kids Playing Tug of War
Playing with Wooden Toys


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Kid Playing with Bubble
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